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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to Control Angry Children?

In today's world everyone is in anger. Earlier the anger was shown only by adults. But now small children are also exhibiting anger and aggression. Parents find it hard to deal with angry kids. But it does not mean that we can not do anything about it. You will learn to control angry children today. Parenting Parents find it hard to deal with anger in their kids. They do not want to hurt their feeling and emotions. In that confusion they end up in accepting every demand of their kids. It is not necessary that kid is getting angry just to get a new toy. But the anger could be because of any reason. Children learn most by imitating their parents. They visualise the emotion shown by their respective families. So this is one of the biggest reason of anger found in children. Parents need to take care of not fighting in front of their kids. They must create a healthy and motivating environment. How to Control Angry Children? Parents and adults can now control anger in children. W...

Change Your Handwriting & See The Difference

Our handwriting depicts a lot about us. It is connected to our subconscious mind. The way we write influences our behaviour. The slant and spacing also are important components of analysing handwriting. Handwriting is controlled by us. If we want to change our self then we can do it with change in  handwriting too. You change your handwriting and see the difference your self. Become Dominant Dominant does not always mean to suppress some one. It also means that you have good leadership qualities. Whenever a good leader speaks, the audience listens. That person is also dominating the society in a positive way. You too can bring the same change within your self. You can take help of your handwriting too in bring that change. People who are dominant or are good leaders have some similar traits in their handwriting. The change is made possible by change in alphabet 't'. You just have to make one change in formation of this alphabet. While making the alphabet 't' we m...

Deepening in Hypnotherapy

For a successful hypnotherapy session, deepening is necessary. Deeper the trance is, better the impact of hypnosis will be. Deepening helps in making the client feel more relaxed and comfortable. With proper deepening in hypnotherapy, client experiences positive result. As a matter of fact, deepening makes the hypnotherapy session more enjoyable. Use of Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy has many useful benefits in the field of psychology. People who have several psychological issues like depression, anxiety, etc use hypnotherapy for quicker results. To know more  about treatment with hypnotherapy, click here . But there is a difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In hypnosis it is not necessary that the trance has to be deep. There are several techniques of instant hypnosis too. The purpose of that is to make client relaxed. Similarly few use it for entertainment purpose as well. But in hypnosis,therapy or treatment is not possible. For a successful therapy the trance has to b...

Reasons of Extra Marital Affairs

A marriage is a scared bond. It ties two souls for life. This is what concept of marriage means. Marriage makes two people trust and support each other in hardest times. Both partners except the love and trust they give in return. But still we hear about several cases of extra marital affairs. In every country and in every city, several marriages are ruined by this element. What can be reasons of extra marital affairs ? Reasons of Extra Marital Affairs There are several reasons behind it. Let us first take a look at most common reasons: Early Marriage:  Some people get married very early. Maybe in their early 20s or so. They think that the age when they were supposed to date and go out was ruined by marriage. To bring back that thrill and excitement, they indulge in affairs. Just with an objective to live their wasted time. Wrong Reasons of Marriage: People also enter the circle of marriage because of many wrong reasons. Society and family pressure is among the few. They mar...

Self Treatment of Public Phobia

Public phobia is a very well known evil element of society. It causes people to stay alone. In this the person is very uncomfortable in meeting new people. They can not stand in any group. There is a phobia within them about the public. This public phobia is not permanent and is treatable. We can on our own treat public phobia. Public Phobia Due to public phobia, people are unable to express properly. The fear of getting judged by others haunts them always. There is a reason why we call it public phobia and not public fear. The reason behind fear is known while behind phobia is unknown. People who have public phobia are themselves unaware behind the occurring of it. This furthermore increase the phobia. There are several therapies which prove useful to remove phobia. Counseling is a very known method to cure this. It is a time consuming process. Hypnotherapy is much quicker and more successful in bringing out the positive result. If you have public phobia then you can have hypnot...

Self Control in Hypnosis

Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. The process helps us to recover from many psychological issues. In hypnosis we feel complete relaxation and comfort when done correctly. But do we have or have not self control in hypnosis? That's the biggest concern most people have in relation to hypnosis. Self-Control in Hypnosis A person who has undergone hypnosis knows that we do not lose self control. We are in total awareness during the process. In fact, it enhances the state of awareness in all senses. Despite that we go into the deep trance of hypnotism. The trance deepens to make the person more relaxed. It helps in quicker healing over the psychological issue. The process of hypnosis is much more successful than other therapies. It deals with our sub conscious part of mind. That part is responsible for all happenings in our body and mind. Whatever kind of person we are or whatever changes we want are done by sub consciousness. There are several instances of hypnosis used as ane...

Using Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is a global phenomenon. Almost every other person knows about it. The law of attraction helps a person to achieve their dreams quickly. But are we using this law correctly ? Using Law of Attraction Our thoughts are power bank behind correct functioning of this law. When we hear the law we think its like to attract someone or something. In this regard, it is correct to think like that. The function of this law is to bring whatever we want in our grasp. It may be financial abundance, good health, soul mate, business success, and similar achievements. This is what this law will work for us. But we have to work hard to make this law successful. If we are just thinking about what we want and not doing anything for it then it will another day dream. Our thoughts and actions have to work in rhythm. So before we work for our dream we need to have clear image for law of attraction.  To make it simple lets understand it with an example: Imagine you are at home a...

Instantly Control Anger

Anger is no stranger to us. At one point we all get angry. This anger causes us to lose our focus and control. That moment seems right but does not feel right afterwards. Anger has various forms as well. Many people lose their jobs, loved ones, friends and precious memories because of anger. It will not allow any family to live happily. There are several anger management classes held to help people around the globe. How to Instantly Control Anger? You can seek a therapist to get anger fixed or controlled. There are several meditation camps too organised solely for this purpose. There are numerous people around the globe who want you to stay happy and anger free. Which is a very good thing. But you can also control this anger without any external support. Anger is raised by us only and we can calm this too. Anger causes because of something done by someone. But we are the only one who ignite the fire of anger within us. If we can raise it, we can bring it down too. There is ...

Dominate The World with Your Handwriting

Handwriting is a great tool for analysis. It helps an individual to change. The reason behind this is simple. Whatever we write, it gets recorded in our subconscious mind. So the handwriting also affects the way we think and behave. It helps in bringing change in the behaviour. Signature also plays the same role. Signature reflects our own self image. What we think about own self gets reflected in the signature. If we want to change our own self image, change in signature will also help. The study of analysing signature and handwriting is known as Graphology. Dominate The World Usually people assume that dominate means to crush someone beneath them. To make someone feel inferior of themselves. So in short, mostly negative approach is associated with this word.  But through positive traits also we can dominate the world. A good leader dominates the society by showing positive leadership qualities. Whenever he does something then the world follows. This is also dominating. By ...

Gurugram Horror : An Appeal

We have recently seen a horrible incident which happened at Gurugram. The incident has been active at social media. The recent police report says the shooter had psychological disorders. When we suffer from physical pain, we do exercise and yoga for that. We take proper rest and also medicines if needed. We visit various salons and beauty parlors to take care of our face. On regular basis our vehicle also gets serviced. We take care of everything associated with us but we forget to take care of our mind. Mental Health Human mind is a very simple yet complex tool. We make it complex by overthinking. We make it simple by relaxing. It all depends upon how we think and react. People get stressed and anxious because they don't get a chance to release that pressure. We accumulate it on every day basis. It is important for us to stay positive. We can stay positive through various techniques. Regular exercise also helps us to stay mentally fit but it doesn't helps to release stre...

Mental bank for Money & Abundance

The mental bank program is a worldwide phenomena. It has helped many people to achieve their goals. The sole purpose of this program is to make mentality of people strong. The attitude of mind becomes a like a money magnet. The mental bank is used for money and abundance. First of all it is important to understand the concept. The video presented in this blog will help you in this regard. Only successful people achieve their goals because they stick to the mental bank. It is very important to follow every step as they help us in the end. Concept of Mental Bank The mental bank program is used to raise our subconscious script. This is the reason why some people achieve so much without so less efforts. It is possible because their subconscious script has a higher financial ceiling. We can see that children who are born around money tend to earn more money. Their programming since childhood is made to attract more money. On the other hand a child born in poverty may  not be able ...

How to Know Someone from Their Signature

It sounds so amazing that one can know about someone without even meeting them. You can also know with the help of handwriting analysis. Handwriting is a very helpful tool to identify someone. Many success gurus and MNCs use this in their practical lives. Handwriting helps us to know about the beahviour of that particular individual. Handwriting analysis also consists of signature analysis. You can also know someone from their signature. This subject of analysing handwriting and signature is known as Graphology. This was used in forensics and crime labs before. But time is changing and so is the approach of using this art. Not only big MNCs but small recruitment agencies also are doing the same thing. They analyse their candidates based on handwriting too. Through handwriting analysis one can also find about the compatibility of their expected partners. The confidence and personality of the person can also be analysed. But in all this, how useful is signature for us ? How can we kno...

Shy vs Introvert

Some people are shy in nature. They are not comfortable in opening up in front of anyone. They are hesitant in almost every other activity. It does not mean that the person is introvert. There is a difference between being shy and introvert. An introvert does not feel uncomfortable in opening up. They enjoy their own company more than any other thing. But when it comes to perform. They can outshine many. An introvert opens up when it is required and it does not mean that person is shy. Let us first understand their characteristics of introvert and shy people respectively. Introvert This term was first introduced by renowned psychologist Carl Jung in 1921, along with extrovert. It was done to differentiate between two types of people. Those who love to stay involved in the outer world. And those who love to remain involved with their own thoughts. Different additions and subtractions have been done over the years. Done by different psychologists but basic factors remain the sam...

Hand Technique of Hypnotising

Hypnosis is a great science been with us for ages. It is useful in many aspects of our life. We can it to get treatment of several psychological issues. Along with that it also helps us to have required self confidence. Hypnosis is famous mostly with pendulum technique. But that is just a technique. There are various techniques which helps in induction of hypnosis. Hands technique is also one of such technique. Hand Technique of Induction The video in the blog shows a very interesting technique. To understand the technique first watch the video . The technique is known as Hand Magnetism technique. In this, the hypnotist will make the client raise their hands. They should be parallel to each other at shoulder level. Then the hypnotist will keep its hand in between those hands. Once this is done the hypnotherapist will use the power of suggestions. Suggestions will make the client to feel a magnetic pull in between his/her hands.  They will start approaching near and the speed ...

Why Should You Smile?

When we feel great, a smile comes naturally. It's an outward sign of joy, happiness, appreciation, amusement, excitement, or contentment. It's not natural to smile when we're sad or upset. But it turns out that smiling might be the best thing to do when you're ready to shift into a brighter mood. Smiling Can Lift a Bad Mood Scientists have found that smiling on purpose can help people feel better. Just the simple act of putting a smile on your face can lead you to feel  actual  happiness, joy, or amusement. Smiling on purpose changes brain chemistry. So it can be a big help to people who are dealing with depression and anxiety. But how do you smile if you're not feeling it? Fake It Till You Make It Our body language can influence our emotions. In one study, researchers discovered that people who stood in a confident way actually felt more confident. In another study, people who intentionally put on a facial expression (like a smile or a frown) ended up feel...

Importance of Pesonal Boundaries

No matter how close we are with someone, we still need our space. It is our own space. This is the personal space where we are with just our own self. No matter what we do, we need that space. The importance of that space is to give some self time. We can do anything we want to do in that particular time. One can also say this that personal space is kind of our human right. It is a need to create our personal boundaries. Do people lack personal boundaries ? As a matter of fact, many people do. We are unaware most of the times that we are not getting required personal space. The regular interruption causes rise of several psychological issues. Depression, anxiety, stress, low confidence, and similar like these. Slowly these things make our life miserable. We lack attention in our personal and professional life. Mood constantly remains irritated and frustrated. But people often wonder how to know the lack of personal space. Signs one lack personal boundaries Mostly you fail to sp...

Hypnotise Someone without Telling Them

This is a great curiosity associated with hypnosis. For a very long time, people want to learn hypnosis. They want to use the benefits of hypnosis. And they also want to know how to hypnotise someone without telling them. To all those who want to know about the process, we have provided it here. How Hypnosis Works? First we need to know about hypnosis. There are various courses available on at our website. You can click here to know about them. Hypnosis works at our subconscious state of mind. This allows an individual to make changes at root level. Every information is stored at our subconsciousness. Hypnosis allows you to access and modify that information. But yes there are limitations associated with it. You will know about them after learning the course. Instant Hypnosis This is a technique which anyone can master. Again, the requirement is the same. It's just like driving, once you know how to drive, you can drive any vehicle. Similarly, learning hypnosis is a must. T...