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Importance of Handwriting Analysis

Usefulness of Handwriting Analysis

Till about a few years ago, handwriting analysis was restricted to forensic labs, crime departments, psychological institutes. Not any more. For example, several corporate firms, hire handwriting analysts to understand the personality traits of their job candidates. They choose handwriting analysis to know how suitable you are for the job you have applied for. Your handwriting can tell your creativity level, leadership qualities, ability to focus and manage people etc.

You should learn handwriting Analysis

In fact, I would go a step ahead and suggest that besides getting your handwriting analysed, you should also know how to analyse handwriting. It can help you in many ways. It will give you access to the inner feelings of the person sitting next to you in office or a friend. If you know how to get along with other people and know yourself a little better, you could be more successful. To know more about the course, click here.

Importance of Knowing Others

A client once told me that he liked a girl in his office, but was very clueless about what she feels because she did not interact much with anyone. He was pushing the envelope too hard, but no success at all. He then showed me her handwriting on an official document she had sent him.
The girl wrote with a left slant and had wide word spacing. The signal was red. The girl’s personality could not have allowed her to turn it green. She was emotionally distant because of bitter experiences in the past. And the matter was worsened because his persuasive behaviour and frequent overtures were strengthening her defence mechanism. The result: the more he pushed, the farther she went away from him.

My client had two options: One, forget about the girl. Two, make her comfortable and instill a feeling of security in her and convince her that she will be safe with him.

If he had known a few things about handwriting analysis, he won’t have pursued the girl so relentlessly. That dogged determination did not work in his favour.

Why bosses should know handwriting analysis

If you are a boss, handwriting analysis can really be an arsenal. You will know that the note from an employee in illegible handwriting and signature means that he will fail as a manager. He will always face communication problems with his colleagues and won’t be successful in keeping his team happy. His constant grouse will be: my team does not understand me. For such a writer, his own ideas will be more important than those of others. He will have no time for others. Hence, one advice to managers is: please write clearly and get rid of illegibility.

Importance of  a ‘correct’ signature in life

Another crucial part of handwriting analysis you can learn is signature analysis. Suppose you hire a team leader with a tiny signature. Do you know what the consequences will be? There will be noticeable indiscipline in your team because people with small signature cannot manage a team. Nobody listens to them.
Similarly, if the handwriting of a manager has too many angular strokes, he will always be mean to his juniors. Steve Jobs of Apple Inc fell under this category. As per handwriting analysis, there are reasons to believe that Jobs was a nasty boss.

Now, you have some idea why you should get your handwriting analysed and learn handwriting analysis. Make use of this easily available tool to know others.

Also, subscribe our YouTube channel for more videos on handwriting.

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