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Showing posts from December, 2019

5 Powerful Self Hypnosis Techniques

Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. Many experts and therapists around the world are using hypnosis. It is becoming an efficient and quicker communicative therapy. In the state of hypnosis, subject becomes relaxed and comfortable. In order to achieve this state of heightened relaxation ones need to be guided by a hypnotherapist. However it is not compulsory. Using self hypnosis we can achieve the same state of mind. Today we are sharing 5 powerful techniques of self hypnosis. Using these techniques we can heighten our consciousness. It also allows us to have better and positive control over our thoughts. Self hypnosis is not only limited to limited techniques or limited outcomes. Using this we can also improve our skills for professional life or personal life as well. 5 Powerful Self Hypnosis Techniques Let us quickly begin with these techniques. Each technique is equally powerful and yet simple. Any layman can begin with self hypnosis exercise using the following techniques:...