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Showing posts from September, 2019

Self Hypnosis While Driving

Hypnosis is more than we can imagine. It is a natural process of alertness. Using hypnosis we can overcome several psychological issues. However, not always we need to be hypnotized by someone else. Using self hypnosis we can improve our self. Also hypnosis or self hypnosis doesn't happen only by conscious efforts. Sometimes it happens naturally and we do not realize it. Self hypnosis while driving is also a regular experience by many. Today we  will understand the whole process behind the natural occurrence of the same. Self Hypnosis While Driving Let us first understand few circumstances where self hypnosis naturally happens. First, imagine you are meeting with your friends after a long time. It's been many months or years and you all are very delighted to be in each other's presence. At that time you sat with them at around 10 or 11 in the morning. the next moment when you check the time it is 5 or 6 in the evening. You have no recollection of passing of so many hou...

How to Overcome Bad Memories ?

Memories shape as who we are today. They help us in enhancing our personality and behavior. Whatever we learn or experience becomes a memory. That can be classified as either a good memory or a bad one. Good memories help us to become better than before. It helps us to enhance our skills and talents. More knowledge we get, more successful we become. Knowledge is stored in our memories. However such memories when experienced n a bad way then it becomes a bad memory. Such bad memories are painful to experience ad re-imagine. They haunt us for life until we work upon it. But is it possible to overcome bad memories. There are many alternatives to live peacefully but hypnotherapy is by far one of the most efficient and swift mode of therapy. Overcome Bad Memories Memories are stored in our subconscious part of mind. For example your driving skill is stored in your mind. Using that memory we are able to drive. Based upon your day to day experience your skill improves. That daily experien...

Self Hypnosis helps in Weight Control

Self hypnosis is a great self developing exercise. It is in practice for many decades, even centuries. Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. It helps in quick connection with subconscious part of mind. Many therapists use hypnosis as an alternative mode of therapy. Due to the effectiveness of it. with the help of self hypnosis we can enhance our skills and talents too. Moreover the better we are, better our performance will be. However, today we are understanding the effectiveness of self hypnosis in weight control. If it is possible by self hypnosis or not, if yes, then how. Let us understand the complete process step by step. Self Hypnosis in Wight Control There are several techniques of self hypnosis. Each technique is different and unique. However the objective of the exercise remains the same. Which is to bring development psychically and emotionally in an individual. Today our objective is to bring change in our body weight. With the help of self hypnosis we will understand t...

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You ?

Handwriting exhibits a lot about us. With it's help we are able to know an unknown person. Even with signature too we can get an idea about an individual. The science of studying handwriting and signature is known as graphology. Many organizations around the world including MNCs, Defense services, universities and many more. But have you ever wondered that what does your handwriting say about you. It helps us on personal level to improve as well. When we know where are we lacking or making mistakes.  But first let us know more about graphology. What Does Your Handwriting Say About You ? During childhood when we are unable to learn something we were told to learn by writing. There is a science behind that as well. Whatever we write it is directly inserted in our subconsciousness. That is why when we make handwritten notes, we remember those for long. And writing is a display of our body language. Our body can not lie and when we write we are writing as per our personality and b...