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Showing posts from November, 2018

Create a Mark with Handwriting

Handwriting is the language of our subconscious mind. Whatever we write gets directly stored in our subconscious part. With the help of handwriting we can change our own self. It becomes easy to start changing. We can create a mark with handwriting in our life. There are several changes we need to go through. After all getting empowered requires certain amount of dedication. Hence to experience the positive change, following positive changes must take place in handwriting. Create a Mark with Handwriting With the following 3 changes in our handwriting, our personality changes. Optimism:  This word defines the required state of mind. When we are positive and optimistic then every obstacle seems small. Through our handwriting we can bring this into our personality. While writing we just need to keep the slant upward from right side. It shows the mental attitude of the writer. Therefore the optimism gets inserted in our personality. Persistence:   The formation of small l...

Keep Conversation Going

A good orator always attracts attention. There is a reason behind it. They have good command over their language. They know when to talk, where to pause. Where to look while speaking. And the most important, the know how to keep conversation going. People love to be around them. To understand this is not rocket science. You can too develop this art of keeping conversation going. There are few things which we need to remember and bring into practice. We have narrowed it down to 4 points when followed will help us always. Hence the attention of the crowd will be upon us. Keep Conversation Going Most Common Mistake : Let us begin with the mistake. It is a very common and very popular mistake done by many of us. In conversation we all love to talk and make others listen. But this is the biggest mistake we commit. Because others lose interest when they don't get chance to talk. Be a good listener instead of a talker. It will make your feel more reliable and people will come to yo...

Beware of Such Handwriting

Handwriting analysis helps in knowing people. Through a sample of handwriting, a lot comes out. With handwriting we know about their positive and negative personalities. It is not necessary to know the writer in person. Although it gives an upper hand to have good company. So with this knowledge we can help our self to become better. However there are negative people too. Always beware of such handwriting which indicates negative traits. Beware of Such Handwriting There are few indicators which help us to know bad elements in people along with positive ones. Following indicators will help us to know people more deeply. They are visible in small circular alphabets like a, c, e, o, g,d, and few more. Double Hook Formation: This formation indicates that the writer is evasive. They do not like being told something to do. Hence from every work they will try to escape. But they will escape by telling lies. They won't be straightforward in any circumstance which they find difficult...

Hypnotic Trance

Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. The person under hypnosis experiences trance. This is hypnotic trance. The trance allows a person to feel something beyond real. That is one of the reason hypnotherapists say deep trance during a session. What is Hypnotic Trance? This is a state of mind where conscious mind is less active. The hold is of subconscious mind. Hypnosis works with subconscious state of mind. The hypnotic trance allows the work of hypnosis to work efficiently. The capacity to accept suggestions and affirmations become better. The hypnotherapy works with help of effective suggestions. Hence the mind becomes more acceptance to change. The imagination becomes stronger and mind believes it to be true. This all becomes possible under hypnotic trance. It takes time to go deep into the trance. There are several ways to make the trance deeper. Progressive relaxation is one of the medium to make trance deeper. Likewise the trance allows the person to feel relaxed and happy...

Hypnosis with Finger Tip

Hypnosis is a very effective healing therapy. It provides treatment quicker than other communication therapies. There are several techniques of conducting hypnosis too. With experience one can learn to use different technique on different personality. Also hypnosis with finger tip is also one of the method. It is very interesting and informative. Hypnosis with Finger Tip Hands are used in numerous techniques of hypnotizing. Similarly fingers can be of use too. Using our fingers we can start hypnosis. This technique is also part of instant hypnosis. With much less time we can hypnotize anyone using our finger tip. This technique works on the principle of confusion. Since hypnosis works on our subconscious mind. Confusion keeps conscious mind busy. This allows the path to subconscious mind easily accessible. To understand more about the technique, watch the following video. Learn Hypnosis There are several courses which allows one to learn hypnosis. Most noteworthy part is th...

Final Steps before Hypnosis Session

Hypnosis is an effective healing therapy. It is very beneficial in providing relief from several psychological issues. A hypnotherapist takes care of every step in the process. In this blog, final steps before hypnosis session are discussed. There are several pre-session activities too. Final Steps Before Hypnosis Sessions Now the client is with you. You have built up the rapport. Also you have taken care of other necessities. So now comes the final steps. Following are few of the steps which we have to take care of: Yes Mode:  The client has to be taken into yes mode. It means that the client will cooperate with you. You do not have to tell the client about the importance of this process. Imagination:  Hypnosis works on imagination and visualization. Imagination plays vital role to induce hypnosis effectively. Client should be asked about imagination before starting session. Relaxation:  It will allow the smooth flow of hypnosis. When client is relaxed, the mind ...

Hypnotize with These Instruments

Hypnosis takes place with the help of suggestions. That is the primary necessity of a hypnotic session. But to make the hypnosis stronger, we can use certain instruments. There are several instruments used for the strengthening of hypnotherapy. You can also hypnotize with these instruments. The main requirement is to have proper knowledge of using these instruments. Hypnotize with These Instruments Following is the list of few instruments which helps Hypnotherapy: Pendulum:  It is a tool. It is the most famous tool linked with hypnosis. Pendulum is not the costly and is very easy to carry too. It help the hypnotherapist to carry out hypnosis with maximum efficiency. It helps in creating illusion and confusion. Thus helping the hypnotherapist o carry out hypnosis. GSR:  It is also called Galvanic Skin Response. It is helpful in measuring depth of hypnotic trance. It is more of purpose for hypnotherapist. Apart from other indicators, GSR will allow to know the state of tr...

Treatment with Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is also known as an altered state of mind. It helps in swift recovery from several psychosomatic issues. Not only that, it also has zero recorded side effects. The process of self hypnosis allows a person to bring positive change within self. That too without help of any second person. Treatment with hypnotherapy is more effective than other counseling therapies. Treatment with Hypnotherapy Following is the list of issues or problems which are addressed using hypnotherapy: Fear, Phobia, Trauma Interpersonal Adjustment Sexual Dysfunction, such as, Erectile Dysfunction, Frigidity Habit Correction such as, Alcohol, Smoking, Stammering, Stuttering, Bed wetting, Nail Biting, Thumb Sucking, Performance Anxiety, such as, Sports, Studies, Stage Activities Public Speaking and overall confidence building Weight Management, Eating Disorders Anger Management Anxiety Management Insomnia Visiting Past Life Indecisiveness Foreign Energy Possession Personality Analysis Han...

Do Not Trust This Handwriting

Handwriting allows us to know about an individual. It is not necessary that you know that person. But you should know how to analyse handwriting. The art of analysing handwriting and signature is called Graphology. With the help of graphology we can know a lot about the person. Hence we also know that do not trust people with this handwriting which will be explained later. Do Not Trust This Handwriting There are certain points which will help us to know liars. The alphabets which are useful here the circled alphabets like small a, o, d, g, and such. Following are the points which we need to take care of: When the circle has double hook formation: This indicates that the writer is 'evasive'. It will avoid being straightforward or direct. To understand the formation of such alphabets see the following figure. 2. Loop on the left side of the circle:  First we do not have to confuse it with double hook. So the left side of the circle shows that writer is 'self-deceit...

Fast Hypnosis with Eyes

Hypnotherapy is such a remarkable and powerful methodology to heal various kind of psychosomatic issues and problems. Hypnosis not only helps in treatment but it has this super ability to superbly influence the human mind and behavior. There are many ways of inducing the hypnosis. Induction through Eyes is one of them. Fast hypnosis with eyes is an unique technique of hypnosis. Fast Hypnosis with Eyes Almost everywhere the process of hypnosis is described with eyes. It is very old and yet one of the most famous technique of hypnotising. A hypnotherapist knows how to use eyes for hypnotising. Still, he/she can not hypnotise anyone out of the crowd without their consent. You too can learn this technique. It is easy to understand and easier to implement. Your practice is must therefore your skills will make you an expert hypnotherapist. To better understand the technique of hypnotising with eyes, watch the following video. Purpose of Hypnosis We use hypnosis for the following :...

Instant Hypnosis with Pendulum

Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. What we experience in hypnosis helps us to recover quicker. The purpose of hypnosis is to increase potential of a human being. The trance of hypnotism helps us to become more relaxed and comfortable. There are numerous techniques of hypnosis. We will know how to perform instant hypnosis with pendulum. Advantages of Hypnotism Hypnotism works at sub conscious state of mind. Also, it is one of the most effective therapy for healing. It has zero recorded side effects. Along with hypnotic trance, positive suggestions helps in building up the recovery process. Following is the list of psychosomatic issues which get treated under hypnosis or hypnotherapy: Fear, Phobia, Trauma Interpersonal Adjustment Sexual Dysfunction, such as, Erectile Dysfunction, Frigidity Habit Correction such as, Alcohol, Smoking, Stammering, Stuttering, Bed wetting, Nil Biting, Thumb Sucking, Performance Anxiety, such as, Sports, Studies, Stage Activities Public Speaking...

How to Control Growing Anger Issues in Children ?

Anger is an emotional outburst. The results can be devastating. It is extremely important to teach children to address their anger. Learning this at an early age can not only control the temperamental issues but can bring a lot of wonderful qualities by the time a child reaches its adulthood. So, how to control growing anger issues in children? How to Control Growing Anger Issues in Children? Count till 5:  This is a great diversion technique. The attention of the child gets diverted from anger to counting till 5. This technique will become a habit with persistence. Small children if develop this habit, their control will be far better than others. They learn to control themselves even at peak of anger. So counting from 1 to 5 will help children and adults both to become controlled person. Deep Breathing:  We do this only when we feel relaxed and comfortable. Deep breaths sends signal to our mind that we are in relaxed state. The emotional level also becomes relaxed. Aft...